The web site for Susan Rose, writer and business tycoon
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Thursday, July 31, 2008

What is a Date?

I was searching around for interesting dating statistics, and landed on one of my favorite sites...wikipedia. Here's how they define dating:

Dating is any social activity performed as a pair or even a group with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as their partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse. The word refers to the act of agreeing on a time and "date" when a pair can meet and engage in some social activity.

How do you define dating?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Kiss That Frog

Enjoy this video of Peter Gabrielle singing the frog kissers theme song "Kiss that Frog." I got his from YouTube. It's from the Secret World Live tour in 1996.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Crazy Date Etiquette: Story 1

Am I crazy, or is it to much to ask for someone to at least put real pants on for a date?

Many years ago (before Internet dating), I dated through the newspaper personals. I met a guy who seemed very least on the phone. He was a photographer, had arty friends, seemed funny. We agreed to meet.

I should have known when he picked a college pick-up bar that something was amiss (he was in his 30s).

He wasn't there when I showed up. I waited, and then called to see where he was. His response was "Oh, you showed up?" Why didn't I run away? Fifteen minutes later, a very grungy guy in SWEATPANTS walked through the door. I momentarily ignored the fact that he didn't even resemble his description of himself because he was wearing SWEATPANTS.

However, I had just come from the gym and was starving, so I suggested we get that dinner. He had already eaten, and didn't have his wallet with him anyway, so we ended up at a pizza place.

Short story: he lived at home with his mom, was a self-proclaimed photographer (which I learned meant he got stoned all day long), and wanted to be my boyfriend. ugh. I respectfully said no. He was very confused as to why I wouldn't want to date him. Hello...he was wearing SWEATPANTS!

I'm very curious about date attire...what's the most interesting thing someone has worn on a date with you?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Finding Mr. Prince

I want to send out a word of encouragement to all the single women out there:
Your prince is waiting for you, and he is so wonderful!

How do I know this? After 20+ years of dating Mr. Frog (aka, the totally wrong guy), I wised up and decided I wanted a decent, caring, nice man in my life. And I found him.

At the age of 40, I found my prince.

He came as a surprise to me. At the time I met him, I was actually dating my last frog. I didn't think the guy was a frog, but he was. More on him in another post. Here's what happened:

I wrote a book about dating the wrong guys. Then I started publicizing it. Setting up a MySpace profile was one of the many things I did. (I had no idea people used MySpace for dating!) Anyway, one day, I got a funny and clever message from a guy in a kilt. It was friendly...not a pick up at all. We started writing, and made each other laugh. We met. I thought he'd make a good friend. He thought I'd be a good more-than-friend.

Then he did what no other guy had ever done—he treated me like a princess. He called when he said he'd call. He made arrangements to see me at the end of each date. He told me I was wonderful. And he kept showing up. It was a revelation. He treated me with respect, and showed how much he appreciated me.

So ladies (and gentlemen), it can happen. It will happen if you are really open to having a good person in your life. I highly recommend it.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

No He Didn't!

I thought I'd experienced some pretty rude behavior on my dating expeditions, but the other day I heard a story that took the cake.

A friend has been doing the internet dating thing (I won't mention which service she is using). She's attractive, early 40's, mom. She's no model, but she looks great...for a 40ish year old.

So, she was e-flirting with a guy, and they decided to meet. She got to the destination early and ordered a glass of wine. A little while later, her guy walked in. He took a look at her, and she smiled. She walked over to her and said "Are you X?" When she said yes, he replied "I don't date liars" and walked out of the bar.

What the $%(?

She was completely blown away. She's also feisty enough to call him later that night and demand to know why he'd been so rude. He claimed she looked nothing like her profile picture (not true), and if she'd lie about that, what else would she lie about. She told him what she thought of that, and of him.

I never had someone walk out the door on me. I can't imagine. I hope he was the exception and not the norm. Would it have killed him to hang out and have a drink? Has anyone else had this experience, and if so, what did you do about it?

Saturday, July 26, 2008


Thanks for visiting Reformed Frog Kissers. I hope you'll find this blog as much fun to read as I find it to write.

Why am doing this? Well, a few years ago, I started compiling all of my dating war stories. Before I knew it, I had a book (Confessions of a Frog Kisser). While I was writing the book, I kept a blog about the process, with the occasional dating story thrown in for good measure ( Once the book was finished, I kind of stopped posting to my blog. Yet, the dating stories are still there, along with stories about kicking the frog habit once and for all, and finding my prince.

So here I am with a new blog space, dedicated to the dating life. I'll share my own stories, along with stories from my dear friends who are still out there.

Have fun and feel free to share any time!