Thanks for visiting Reformed Frog Kissers. I hope you'll find this blog as much fun to read as I find it to write.
Why am doing this? Well, a few years ago, I started compiling all of my dating war stories. Before I knew it, I had a book (Confessions of a Frog Kisser). While I was writing the book, I kept a blog about the process, with the occasional dating story thrown in for good measure (SusanRose.net). Once the book was finished, I kind of stopped posting to my blog. Yet, the dating stories are still there, along with stories about kicking the frog habit once and for all, and finding my prince.
So here I am with a new blog space, dedicated to the dating life. I'll share my own stories, along with stories from my dear friends who are still out there.
Have fun and feel free to share any time!
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