The web site for Susan Rose, writer and business tycoon
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Monday, July 28, 2008

Finding Mr. Prince

I want to send out a word of encouragement to all the single women out there:
Your prince is waiting for you, and he is so wonderful!

How do I know this? After 20+ years of dating Mr. Frog (aka, the totally wrong guy), I wised up and decided I wanted a decent, caring, nice man in my life. And I found him.

At the age of 40, I found my prince.

He came as a surprise to me. At the time I met him, I was actually dating my last frog. I didn't think the guy was a frog, but he was. More on him in another post. Here's what happened:

I wrote a book about dating the wrong guys. Then I started publicizing it. Setting up a MySpace profile was one of the many things I did. (I had no idea people used MySpace for dating!) Anyway, one day, I got a funny and clever message from a guy in a kilt. It was friendly...not a pick up at all. We started writing, and made each other laugh. We met. I thought he'd make a good friend. He thought I'd be a good more-than-friend.

Then he did what no other guy had ever done—he treated me like a princess. He called when he said he'd call. He made arrangements to see me at the end of each date. He told me I was wonderful. And he kept showing up. It was a revelation. He treated me with respect, and showed how much he appreciated me.

So ladies (and gentlemen), it can happen. It will happen if you are really open to having a good person in your life. I highly recommend it.

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